Film Club : Omen

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Event Description

After spending years in Belgium, a young Congolese man returns to his birthplace of Kinshasa to confront the intricacies of his family and culture. Secrecy and sorcery erupt when a nosebleed is mistaken for a curse, and Koffi is shunned from his family. Using magical realism to paint a portrait of "undesirables" and "sorcerers," OMEN delves into the intricacies of identity, culture, and belief systems through a deeply rich and visually captivating lens. Dir. Baloji I Belgium, Democratic Republic of the Congo I 2024 I 90 mins

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Event Start Time
08:00 pm
Event Start Date
Event End Time
09:30 pm
Event End Date
Venue Name
The Source Arts Centre
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Organiser Name
Brendan Maher
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Organiser Telephone