Tipperary People and Places Lecture Series: Connecting cartography : The Tim Looney Map of Tipperary by Dr Catherine Porter

Lecture: Join us in The Source, Thurles on Tuesday 25th April at 7pm for Dr Catherine Porter’s lecture Connecting cartography: ‘The Tim Looney Map’. The family of the late Cahir historian, Tim Looney donated his huge archival collection to the University of Limerick. Included is a large and intriguing linen-backed map of late eighteenth and early nineteen century Tipperary. On a scale of two Inches to one Irish mile, natural features such as rivers, loughs, bogs and mountains are marked alongside the built environment and local heritage including buildings, roads and laneways. Whilst the provenance of the ‘Looney Map’ is unknown, a team at the University of Limerick has recently developed an interactive online resource to facilitate further exploration of the map. In this lecture, Dr Catherine Porter, University of Limerick, will introduce the online resource and the on-going research into the cartography of this unique map of County Tipperary. Looking forward to seeing you all.
52.6796817, -7.8086054
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