Free Event: Regeneration of Scohaboy Bog, Talk by Gearóid Ó Foighil in Nenagh Library

Free Event: Regeneration of Scohaboy Bog, Talk by Gearóid Ó Foighil in Nenagh library as part of Science Week 2024. All Welcome. Please book your free ticket on Eventbrite using the attached link or QR code. The raised bog restoration programme at Scohaboy SAC, Cloughjordan is one of the most successful community supported for climate and nature projects in Ireland today. The award winning restoration programme has seen three major rewetting works phases involving the NPWS, Coillte Forest and fifty private landowners to bring 90% of Scohaboy`s 1500 acres under conservation and rewetting measures. The Cloughjordan Community Development Association are the community partners in the restoration programme. Formed over thousands of years, peat is a type of soil made from partially decayed organic matter. Around 20% of Ireland’s land area is covered by peatland – in the form of bogs and fens – it’s one of the country’s most precious natural resources and our oldest `near-nature` landscape. The high bog area at Scohaboy is an unbroken link to the last ice-age, an ecological gem 10,000 years in formation. Peatlands are highly effective natural systems for capturing and storing carbon, and therefore play a vital role in tackling the climate crisis. They boast exceptional biodiversity, they help regulate water flows, and they’ve been an important part of Irish culture for millennia. @TipperaryFestivalofScience @LibrariesIreland @TipperaryCountyCouncilLibraryService #ScienceTipp #tipperarysciencefest #ScienceWeek2024