Chapter 1: Sugar

Dancing from Archives, a Brussels-based artistic platform that creates work at the crossroads of industrial architecture, site relevant performance practice and working-class heritage, is hosting a series of events here at The Source Arts Centre. This includes workshops, discussions, community activities, and a performance of tonight’s dance piece Chapter 1: SUGAR. During the week, the local community is invited to actively contribute to building an archive of information that explores Tipperary’s post-industrial and working-class heritage. The materials and stories gathered during this process will be featured in the final dance event. ‘Chapter 1: SUGAR’ develops from dancing from archives, a platform which connects industrial architecture, site-specific creation, and working-class heritage and dance practice and research. The piece brings the research into the production systems, machines, movements and social landscape of the sugar factory into the body and physicality of two performers. Supported by danscentrumjette, Charleroi Danse - Centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, La Fonderie Brussels, The Source Arts Centre. Produced by danscentrumjett I International production assistant: Maya Ross Russels The workshops will be guided by Giulia Vitiello, Artistic Director of dancing from archives. Vitiello is an Italian born theatre maker, choreographer, performance designer and researcher.
52.6796817, -7.8086054
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- €18.00@08:00 pm to @09:30 pm