Cruinniù nà Nòg

Join us at the new civic Plaza at the Kickham Barracks for a day of arts and creativity for children and their families. Sample a large selection of handcraft and arts activities, from willow weaving with Greenmantle Arts to felting, drawing, clay works, hair braiding & raw food prepping while listening to a selection of young musical and performing talent from Tipperary. Brigid Teehan who returns with charcoal drawing, Lyn Kirkham from Greenmantle Arts who will bring her Black Dog and a large collective willow weaving figure, ceramicist Eileen Singleton who is bringing her potter' wheel, Ruta Ivanauskaite-Little who will initiate us to dry and wet felting and Elke Wilson who will be making hay animals. There will also be a raw baking station, face-painting, hair braiding, and a coffee dock and Ice cream van. Something for all the family! There will be a selection of performers of DR2 dance school and Bellvue Academy as well as solo artist Alanna Manton from the Rockwell Academy and Open Mike sessions hosted by Catherine McVicker.